All index customization is done during composition (i.e. in Startup.ConfigureServices) and is generally done by using the IOptions configuration pattern in .NET.

Change default analyzers

See Customization - Default Analyzers for details

services.PostConfigure<AzureSearchIndexOptions>("InternalIndex", options =>
    // Replace the default analyzer for the internal index to be 
    // Microsoft's English Analyzer
    options.AnalyzerName = LexicalAnalyzerName.EnMicrosoft.ToString();

Default field types & analyzers

See Customization - Default field types & analyzers for details

Set the field definition for “productPrice” to be a Double:

// Modify the options for the Internal index
services.PostConfigure<AzureSearchIndexOptions>("InternalIndex", options =>
    options.FieldDefinitions.AddOrUpdate(new FieldDefinition("productPrice", AzureSearchFieldDefinitionTypes.Double));

Custom field types & analyzers

See Customization - Custom field types & analyzers for details

If you want to define a custom field type, you can do that during index composition by passing in a value to the IndexValueTypesFactory property of the AzureSearchIndexOptions. The value for this parameter is: IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IAzureSearchFieldValueTypeFactory> indexValueTypesFactory. The dictionary Key is the name of the field type and the Value is a factory that returns a IAzureSearchFieldValueTypeFactory for a given field name. ExamineX has a default implementation of this which includes all of the above default field types. If this parameter is specified, all of ExamineX’s default field types will still be used but you can override the custom implementations if a Key that you provide matches a default implementation.

This will create a Japanese field type with a “” analyzer.

// Modify the options for the Internal index
services.PostConfigure<AzureSearchIndexOptions>("InternalIndex", options =>
    // create/assign custom value types factory
    options.IndexValueTypesFactory = new Dictionary<string, IAzureSearchFieldValueTypeFactory>
        ["japaneseString"] =
            // define the factory
            new AzureSearchFieldValueTypeFactory(fieldName =>
                new AzureSearchFieldValueType(
                    // This example will allow multiple values 
                    // per field
                    // Use microsoft's Japanese analyzer

    // Assign the custom field type to the "japaneseTitle" field
        s => new FieldDefinition(s, "japaneseString"));
