A new features is out that allows for multiple staging environments. Previously ExamineX only allowed a single staging environment to be configured in either ByIndex or ByService modes which would suffix your index or service names with the string: “-staging”.

With the upcoming Examine 1.2.0 release, you can now configure the staging name. This means you can have any number of staging sites configured on the same license.

Also in the 1.2.0 release is indexing Office and PDF docs from Umbraco media blob storage, you can read more about that here.

The new appSetting is (this is the default value if omitted):

<add key="ExamineX.StagingName" value="staging" />


If you have the following configuration:

<add key="ExamineX.StagingType" value="ByIndex" />

Then your index names will be suffixed with the default string: “-staging”.

If you have the following configuration:

<add key="ExamineX.StagingType" value="ByIndex" />
<add key="ExamineX.StagingName" value="acceptance" />

Then your index names will be suffixed with the default string: “-acceptance”.

Similarly, if you used ByService instead, then it expects your Azure Search service name to be suffixed with the -{StagingName} value, or just “-staging” if you leave that config option out.

Testing and Installation

Here’s how to install the beta if you want to test this feature out:

PM> Install-Package ExamineX.AzureSearch.Umbraco -Pre

That’s it!

NOTE: The staging environment feature is only available in Standard license types


Any feedback on the beta is hugely appreciated. For any bugs and questions please the ExamineX public issue tracker on GitHub.